Star Wars Rebels Wiki
Star Wars Rebels Wiki

This is TIE SS-25, you can call me Wedge.
―Wedge Antilles[src]

Wedge Antilles was a male young pilot who, along with Hobbie, defected to the Rebellion with help from Sabine Wren.


Defecting to the Rebellion[]

Before he was recruited by the Empire, he piloted cargo ships hauling spare parts. At the time he thought it would be more exciting to become a TIE Pilot, but his view on the Empire eventually changed after seeing what he was being trained to do. Along with other pilots who felt the same way, Wedge wanted to defect to the Rebellion and sent a message for help. During a subsequent simulation, he befriended new arrival Ria Talla, and quickly discovered that she shared his distaste for the Empire's methods of operation. She later approached him and, after asking him whether he would want to leave the Empire, revealed that she was actually a Rebellion operative named Sabine Wren.

The pair and Wedge's friends Rake Gahree and Derek Klivian later attempted to escape during a flight exercise, only to find that their ships had been rigged. Rake perished in the subsequent skirmish, and the Alderaan Cruiser that had come to pick up the would-be defectors was forced to withdraw. Wedge, Sabine, and Hobbie were then taken to interrogation by Arihnda Pryce, and threatened to torture Wedge; this forced Sabine to identify herself as a rebel agent, and Wedge unfortunately used her real name when he protested her doing so. He and Hobbie were briefly imprisoned but then freed by an escaping Sabine, and managed to reach a TIE Bomber with unexpected aid from Kallus. They were then rescued by the returning cruiser and taken to Atollon, where they were introduced to Jun Sato.

He then briefly appeared when Hera ordered him and his colleagues to get a move on.

A mission with AP-5 and C1-10P[]

Later he and AP-5 along with C1-10P where sent to infiltrate Imperial Station to get the clearance codes for the Rebel attack on Lothal. However when they arrived to the station an Imperial Controller reprogrammed Chopper and planned to use him as a puppet to lead them to the Hidden Rebel Base. Later, it was discovered by AP-5, who informed the Ghost Crew and Wedge of the Controller's work. After that, they deactivated the reprogrammed Chopper and sent and high-voltage electronic signal through Chopper after awakening him to the Controller's ship, exploding it, thus freeing Chopper from it's control. After that scenario, an argument broke out between AP-5, Chopper, and Wedge.

Under attack[]

After Thrawn having discovered the location of the rebel base; Atollon. Wedge, was present during the attack and presumbly escaped along with the survivors.


The Star Wars Rebels Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Wedge Antilles.


Season Three[]

Season Four[]



vedStar Wars Rebels Characters
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