- “You're lucky I'm not my Master. She'd never let you get away with"
"All the things you tried to get away with?” - ―Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger[src]
Depa Billaba was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars, and the mentor of Kanan Jarrus.
- “Run!”
- ―Billaba's last words, to Caleb Dume.[src]
Depa Billaba was a Jedi Master who served on the Jedi Council in the years prior to the Clone Wars. Trained by Master of the Order Mace Windu and appointed to the Jedi High Council, Billaba was considered one of the most enlightened Jedi of her time and earned her seat on the High Council.
During the war, Billaba retained her seat on the council and took on a Padawan named Caleb Dume. The two were attacked by clone troopers after the execution of Order 66, which branded the Jedi as traitors against the Republic. The two fought in defense, but Billaba soon realized that they were vastly outnumbered by the Clone Troopers of their unit. She ordered her padawan to run while she held them off, but was gunned down by Commander Grey and the rest of the men who once served under her.
Dume survived and took on a new name, Kanan Jarrus. He eventually became a rebel fighting against the Galactic Empire, and continued thinking of his fallen master and her lessons years after her death.