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You have the heart of a rebel.
Thrawn to Kallus [src]

Alexsandr Kallus (former codename ISB-021 and rebel codename Fulcrum) was an Human male Agent of the Imperial Security Bureau before becoming a rebel spy for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

As an Imperial operative, Kallus was a firm believer in bringing order to the galaxy. He worked to suppress dissent on numerous worlds, fighting against the insurgency of Saw Gerrera on Onderon, participating in the genocide on Lasan, and leading the hunt for the rebels of the Ghost on Lothal. He would work with both Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

After surviving with Garazeb Orrelios on Geonosis's moon, Kallus grew disillusioned with the Empire and began to operate as Fulcrum, an informant passing information to the Rebellion from within. He fed the rebellion information about the Empire's activities, including those of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who was tasked with eliminating the rebels.

Thrawn discovered Kallus' true allegiance after realizing there was a rebel spy in his midst, and Kallus was captured as he attempted to feed the rebels information for their planned attack on Lothal. Ultimately, Thrawn discovered the rebel base that was on Atollon and launched an attack that devastated the Rebellion. Kallus broke free of Imperial custody during the battle and was taken in by the Ghost, and accompanied the surviving rebels to the base on Yavin 4, thus escaping from certain execution.

Becoming a full-fledged member of the Rebellion, Kallus assisted the Alliance both tactically and in the battlefield. As a key ally of the Ghost crew, he aided them in their successful liberation of Lothal. After the Empire's demise, Zeb brought Kallus to Lira San, the ancient home of the Lasat people, to show the former ISB Agent that he had not destroyed the Lasat species after all. As a friend to Zeb who turned against his former Empire, the Lasat welcomed Kallus as one of their own. He would then live peacefully with Zeb on Lira San.


Early Career[]

Alexsandr Kallus was born on Coruscant several years prior to the Invasion of Naboo, during the final years of the Galactic Republic. After Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, declared himself Emperor and transformed the Republic into the Galactic Empire, Kallus attended the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, the main campus of the new regime's military training program. At the Academy, Kallus befriended Jovan, who soon became an informal mentor to the young Coruscanti. Eventually, the two completed their course of study together, with Kallus graduating head of his class; he was considered one of the most promising students of Wullf Yularen. Later on, Kallus joined the Imperial Security Bureau, a secret task force that pursued and destroyed rebellious activity throughout the galaxy. Kallus became a high-ranked ISB Agent, working in both the Internal Affairs branch and the Investigations branch of the bureau.

During his first time as an ISB agent, Kallus led his own platoon of Stormtroopers. One day, Kallus and his platoon were sent by the Empire to bring order to Onderon. During a routine patrol a rebel mercenary, a Lasat, working for Saw Gerrera, ambushed the platoon and knocked out Kallus. When the ISB agent came to, he found he couldn't move and was forced to watch as his squad was brutally murdered by the Lasat mercenary.

The Lasat Massacre[]

I was there when Lasan fell. I know why you fear those disruptors. I gave the order to use them!
―Kallus, to Garazeb Orrelios

Kallus later took part in the cleansing of Lasan, in which the planet's species, the Lasat, was all but destroyed and completely driven away from their homeworld. Kallus gave the order for Imperial troops to use T-7 ion disruptor rifles against the population. These rifles were powerful enough to disable starships and had gruesome results when used against sentient beings. These weapons were ultimately banned by the Imperial Senate as a result of their destructive power. Before the cleansing of Lasan ended, Kallus was given a J-19 Bo-Rifle from a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard that he had defeated.

Spark of Rebellion[]

Mission to Capture the Rebels[]

Years after the destruction of Lasan, a rebel cell later operated on Lothal, where they hit a number of Imperial targets. These attacks drew the attention of the Imperial Security Bureau, who sent Kallus to Lothal to handle the situation.

Snuff out that spark before it catches fire

Kallus tells Commandant Aresko about his plan to stop the rebels.

One night after the rebels carried out an operation against the Empire where they stole crates full of blasters and food, Kallus inspected the damage caused by the Empire. He was briefed by Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko about the attack, and Kallus explained that it was part of a pattern—one that, if not stopped, could lead to a larger rebel movement.

In an effort to destroy the rebels, Kallus prepared a trap to lure them in by making the rebels believe they had learned the location of Wookiee slaves being held by the Empire. Although the Empire was holding Wookiee prisoners, the rebels were fed false information as to their location, and their ship, the Ghost, docked with a Gozanti-class Cruiser that the rebels believed held the slaves. the rebels, Kanan Jarrus, Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, and C1-10P boarded the ship, while Kallus Imperial Star Destroyer, the Lawbringer dropped out of hyperspace and captured the Gozanti-class Cruiser and the Ghost. With the ships captured, Kallus and his Stormtroopers also boarded the cruiser and attacked the rebels. Sabine and Chopper shut down the gravity generator on the ship, taking the Imperials by surprise and giving the rebels an opportunity to escape. As they did, Kallus was able to capture Ezra Bridger, a new member of the Ghost crew who had boarded to warn the rebels that the Lawbringer had arrived.

With Ezra in custody, Kallus intended to use the boy in order to lure the rebels back, believing that they would mount a rescue attempt. Kallus spoke to Ezra in his cell and told the young rebel of the plan, but Ezra did not believe that the rebels would return, as he had never seen anyone risk their lives for other people before. Despite Ezra's insistence, the rebels did ultimately return, though the boy escaped from his holding cell on his own. The Ghost landed in the lower hangar, which the Imperials detected. Kallus ordered all Stormtroopers to converge on the lower hangar, where he would meet them, though he diverted some to the upper hangar; Ezra, who was listening to Imperial communications through a stolen Stormtrooper helmet, posed as a Stormtrooper and suggested that the lower hangar could be a diversion.

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Kallus is caught in an explosion caused by the rebels.

Kallus led his Stormtroopers to the lower hangar, where he found that Ezra had already met back up with the rebels. The rebels fled at the sight of the Imperial troops, who pursued them and fired on the Ghost. As the rebel ship was preparing to depart, Kallus noticed graffiti art on the hangar floor, which had been drawn by Sabine, and realized it was an explosive. He ordered his men to take cover, but the explosion ripped through the hangar and some of his men. Kallus, however, survived, and was thrown forward by the explosion. The damage caused a hull breach, and many Stormtroopers were blown out into space. Kallus himself was nearly pulled into space as well, but he held onto the hangar deck long enough for a force field to cover the damage to the hull. He remained in the hangar as the Imperials recovered from the rebel attack, and was brought the helmet that Ezra stole and left behind—prompting him to realize that Ezra had overheard that the true location of the Wookiee prisoners was the spice mines of Kessel.

Knowing that the rebels would not pass up the opportunity to rescue the Wookiees, Kallus allowed the rebels to reach Kessel, where they freed the Wookiee slaves from the Imperial forces stationed in Spice Mine K76. Before the rebels could leave, however, Kallus and additional Imperial forces arrived, firing on the Ghost and forcing it to flee while the rest of the rebels remained in the mine. Kallus and a squadron of Stormtroopers landed at the mine and advanced on the rebels, forcing them to take cover. With the rebels pinned down, Kanan stepped forward and ignited a lightsaber, revealing himself as a Jedi who had survived the destruction of the Jedi Order. Kallus ordered all of his soldiers to focus their fire on Kanan, which gave the rest of the rebels and the Wookiees a chance to enter a cargo container, which would be picked up by the Ghost when it returned.

While the Stormtroopers focused on the rebels, Kallus followed Ezra to a walkway overlooking the mine, where the boy had gone to rescue Kitwarr, a young Wookiee who had escaped and was chased by a Stormtrooper. Kallus arrived to see Ezra attack the Stormtrooper with an energy slingshot, knocking the trooper over the railing. Kallus believed that Ezra was Kanans' apprentice and prepared to kill the boy, but the Ghost arrived to rescue Ezra. Kanan, who stood atop the ship, deflected Kallus' fire back at the ISB Agent. Kallus was struck with blaster fire, knocking him over the railing, which he held onto as the Ghost escaped. The Stormtrooper, who had also fallen over, clung to the railing as well and asked if Kanan was the first Jedi that Kallus had ever seen. In response, Kallus kicked the trooper off the railing, sending him falling into the mines.

Kallus left the spice mines and returned to the Lawbringer, which remained in orbit over Kessel. From the ship, Kallus contacted The Grand Inquisitor, a dark side warrior tasked with hunting down Jedi survivors. Kallus told the Inquisitor about what happened on Kessel and that the leader of the rebel cell was a Jedi, to which the Inquisitor said Kallus had done well to inform him of.

Tracking down the Stolen Disruptors[]

After their successful rescue of the Wookiees, the rebels engaged in a mission to steal T-7 ion disruptor rifles from Garel. It was there that Minister Maketh Tua was attempting to procure the illegal weapons from Amda Wabo, an Aqualish weapons manufacturer. The rebels were able to reach the disruptors before the Imperials could and stopped the arms deal, taking the weapons for themselves—as well as two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, who were part of the arms deal on orders of Governor Arihnda Pryce. After the rebels stole the weapons, Tua contacted Kallus and informed him of what had transpired on Garel, and Kallus recognized it as the work of the Ghost crew. C-3PO, believing himself to be the prisoner of criminals, attempted to send a distress signal to Governor Pryce, but the signal was rerouted and intercepted by Kallus aboard the Lawbringer. C-3PO provided Kallus with the location of the Ghost, and Kallus lied by telling the droid that help was on the way.

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Kallus challenges Zeb to a Bo-Rifle duel.

The rebels returned to Lothal, where they intended to sell the disruptors to the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago. Before the deal could be completed, Kallus and his forces arrived with All Terrain Defense Pods. While the Stormtroopers and AT-DPs fought most of the rebels, Kallus challenged Zeb to single combat with bo-rifles. The enraged Lasat met the ISB Agent in battle, and the two fought while the rebels took on the Imperial forces and destroyed the disruptors. By the end of their duel, in which Kallus taunted Zeb about the fall of Lasan, Zeb was nearly beaten. Kallus attempted to make a fatal blow, but he was stopped by Ezra, who used the Force to push Kallus away. This gave the rebels a chance to escape, leaving Kallus behind to watch the Ghost fly away.

Rebel Spy at the Imperial Academy[]

Agent Kallus in Breaking Ranks

Kallus takes a datapad from Ezra, who was disguised as a cadet.

Some time later, the rebels put together a plan to infiltrate the Academy on Lothal and steal a decoder from Kallus' office, located within the Academy; this decoder would allow them to find the location of a giant Kyber Crystal of massive power, which the rebels wanted to destroy. Ezra was the one who infiltrated the Academy, posing as a cadet named Dev Morgan. After several weeks in the facility, Ezra made his move to sneak into Kallus' office. Once he arrived, he found Kallus leaving his office. Ezra, who had won a cadet tournament to serve as an aide in the Imperial Complex, arrived with a datapad that he was sent to deliver. The rebel offered to leave it on the Agent's desk, but Kallus took it himself and left the area. Once Kallus was gone, Ezra entered the office but was stopped by fellow cadet Zare Leonis, who knew that the theft would set off an alarm. The two joined forces, as Zare also harbored anti-Imperial sentiments, and resolved to steal the decoder together.

The two rebels executed their plan the next day. Ezra snuck through a ventilation shaft in order to reach Kallus' office from above. Zare, meanwhile, requested permission to enter Kallus' office. The cadet told Kallus that the Agent's podracer parts had arrived, and Kallus questioned the order, as he had not requested nor did he have need of any podracer parts. Zare insisted that the parts were for Kallus, stalling the Agent so as to buy Ezra time to steal the decoder. Ezra used the Force to levitate the decoder, and it floated up to the opening of the ventilation shaft. Kallus noticed Zares' surprised reaction to the use of the Force and turned around, but Ezra had completed the theft before the Agent could see him. Zare asked him one more time if he would be signing for the podracer parts, but Kallus refused, insisting it was a mistake.

As he was making his way back through the vents, Ezra learned that he and a fellow cadet, Jai Kell, had shown skills that were of interest to the Inquisitor, who planned to arrive on Lothal the next day to test them. As a result, Ezra, Zare, and Jai mounted an escape from the Academy. Zare reminded behind, however, as he had unfinished business at the Academy; he pretended to try to stop the rebels from escaping so as to avoid suspicion. When the Inquisitor arrived, Kallus was present when the Inquisitor arrived and was informed about the escape. The Inquisitor recognized "Cadet Morgan" as Ezra, as he had encountered him on Stygeon Prime, indicating that Ezra's presence was an infiltration.

Empire Day[]

The Imperial regime on Lothal planned a series of celebrations for Empire Day, marking the fifteenth anniversary of the end of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire. On Empire Day, the local government also began looking for a Rodian named Tseebo, who stole critical information from the Imperial Information Office where he was employed. Kallus participated in the search for the Rodian, doing so even at the Empire Day parade in Capital City. During the parade, the rebels destroyed an experimental TIE Advanced v1. After they fled from the scene, Kallus took charge of the investigation into finding them and requested schematics of the city's ventilation systems, sewers, and anywhere else that the rebels could have been hiding. Minister Tua demanded that the rebels be punished for disrupting Empire Day, and Kallus assured her that he wanted them punished as well, but their priority was still to find Tseebo.

Having escaped from the scene of the attack, the rebels hid at the childhood home of Ezra, where they found Tseebo hiding; Tseebo had been a friend of Ezra's parents before they disappeared several years earlier. The rebels discovered the information that Tseebo had stolen and resolved to get him off of the planet in order to study the secrets he had stolen. To get him out of the city, the rebels hijacked an Imperial Troop Transport. Kallus learned of the hijacking and contacted Aresko, who had set up a blockade at the edge of the city, to warn him of the incoming rebels. The rebels nonetheless blasted their way through the blockade and escaped to the outskirts of the city.

Kallus arrived in his own ITT and pursued the rebels out of the city. While in pursuit, Kallus contacted the Inquisitor to inform him that the rebels had broken through the main city gate and were headed south. The Inquisitor, who was boarding his own TIE Advanced, suspected that the Ghost would be waiting and ordered Kallus to slow their escape. Kallus' men blew a hole in the hijacked ITT and attempted to board, while Kallus' ITT continued firing. Kallus made his way to the roof of his ITT and jumped onto the rebels', just as the Ghost arrived. Zeb fired at Kallus, wanting to end his vendetta against the Agent once and for all, as Kallus ordered his ITT to fire on the Ghost. The Ghost, in turn, destroyed Kallus' ITT. Zeb, having missed the first time, once again fired on Kallus, knocking him from the side of the rebels' ITT—though he was able to hold on to the back of the vehicle.

Empire Day 19

Zeb fires on Kallus from the Ghost.

The rebels began their escape onto the Ghost, heading to the top of the stolen ITT in order to quickly board the ship. Kallus climbed back atop the ITT in time to witness Tseebo stepping onto the ramp that the Ghost had lowered. He fired towards the rebels, prompting Kanan to ignite his lightsaber and confront Kallus. The Jedi deflected Kallus' blasts before jumping aboard the Ghost, which flew away to escape Lothal. As it was departing, Kallus contacted the Inquisitor to confirm that Tseebo was aboard the rebel ship. The Inquisitor and his fighters pursued the rebels off of Lothal, but was ultimately unsuccessful in stopping them or capturing Tseebo.

Kallus' Trap[]

Vision of hope 5

Kallus opens fire on the rebels.

Having failed to stop the rebels on Empire Day, Kallus put together a plan to lure the rebels into a trap and eliminate them. The plan utilized Senator Gall Trayvis, who worked for the Empire by posing as a voice of dissent in order to monitor and lure rebel forces across the galaxy into traps. Trayvis sent out a message via a hacked HoloNet News transmission where he said he would meet the rebels in the Lothal Senate Building. The rebels took the bait and Kallus prepared the trap, though Minister Tua questioned whether it would work. The plan looked to be succeeding when the rebels arrived in the Senate Building, as Kallus and his forces were able to corner Kanan, Ezra, Hera Syndulla, and Trayvis. Kallus identified Kanan and Ezra, calling the latter "Jabba" as a nod to their first encounter, and encountered Hera for the first time. He demanded that they reveal where Zeb and Sabine were or else face a firing squad. The Imperials were thrown off when Zeb and Sabine, who had entered the building from the roof, threw smoke bombs between the rebels and Imperials, allowing the rebels to fight their way out and escape.

The rebels were able to escape from being cornered and made their way into the sewers beneath the Senate Building, and Kallus and his troopers pursued them. The rebels split up, with Ezra and Hera taking Trayvis while the others fled in a different direction. Trayvis revealed his true allegiance to Hera and Ezra, but they were able to knock him unconscious just before they reunited with the other rebels. Kallus and his forces arrived as Kanan used the Force to stop a large fan that stood between the rebels and their freedom, and the ISB Agent ordered his forces to open fire on Kanan. The Imperials were too late, however, as the rebels were able to successfully escape.

Serving Grand Moff Tarkin[]

The Ghost Crews' activities eventually drew the attention of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin who visited Lothal. Kallus along with Maketh Tua and the Inquisitor were part of the grand reception that greeted Tarkin's shuttle at the Imperial headquarters. During the meeting, Tarkin reprimanded Kallus for allowing the rebels to attack Imperial personnel, destroy Imperial property, and disrupt the Empire's trade. Kallus was ashamed to admit failure and responded that he had exhausted every resource to capture them but that the rebels had been elusive. When Minister Tua mentioned that the rebel leader was a Jedi, a skeptical Tarkin claimed that all the Jedi had perished during the Jedi Purge. Kallus thought that Tarkin's arrival would provide him with the resources needed to capture the insurgents.

After the rebels ambushed an Imperial supply convoy in the town of Jalath, Kallus was present at a meeting where Tarkin ordered the Inquisitor to execute Aresko and Grint for their repeated failures to stop the rebel cell. Kallus and Minister Tua were visibly horrified by the Grand Moff's actions since their two men had been loyal but incompetent Imperials. Nevertheless, Kallus took it as a lesson that failure in the Empire would no longer be tolerated. Tarkin then ordered Kallus to dispatch probe droids throughout Lothal to locate the rebels. Troubled by the execution of Aresko and Grint, Kallus vowed not to allow himself to experience such a fate.

Under Tarkin's orders, Kallus and the Inquisitor devised a plan to trap the rebels at the Lothal Communication Tower. Following the rebel assault, Kallus and the Inquisitor arrived with a force of three Imperial Patrol Transport and surrounded the complex; trapping the rebels. Kallus personally confronted Kanan outside the communications tower. When Kanan refused to surrender, the Inquisitor engaged the Jedi in a lightsaber duel. Following a brief confrontation, Kanan's rebel comrades managed to escape. Kallus managed to capture Kanan at the cost of one patrol transport.

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Kallus and Tarkin interrogating the captured Kanan.

At dawn, Kallus handed the captured Kanan to Tarkin, who praised the Inquisitor for his work. Before Tarkin could interrogate Kanan, Kallus reported that the rebels had gained control of the tower's transmitter. Kallus listened to Ezra's broadcast and expressed concern at Tarkin's orders to destroy the communications tower. Kallus and Tarkin later oversaw the interrogation of Kanan, who per standard Imperial procedure was injected with a truth serum by an interrogator droid. Despite Kallus's best efforts, Kanan's Jedi training enabled him to resist the interrogation droid's mind probes. Displeased with Kallus' results, Tarkin ordered the Inquisitor to torture Kanan, who still refused to divulge any information on the Rebellion. Frustrated by Kanan's resistance, the Imperials transferred the captive Jedi to the Mustafar System.

Kallus remained on Lothal while Tarkin and the Inquisitor traveled to the Mustafar System with their Jedi captive. However, Kanan's rebel comrades staged a mission to rescue the Jedi. During that mission, the Inquisitor was killed and the Tarkin's Star Destroyer Sovereign was by the rebels, who managed to flee into hyperspace with the help of the rebel network. Following the events in the Mustafar System, Kallus was present at the Imperial headquarters' hangar bay when Tarkin arrived in a shuttle with Darth Vader, the Emperor's Sith apprentice. During the meeting, Kallus expressed concern that the events on Mustafar would cause people to see the Empire as weak and vulnerable. Tarkin disagreed and assured Kallus that Vader would stamp out Lothal rebels and their fledgling Rebellion.

The Siege of Lothal[]

Following the arrival of Vader on Lothal, Kallus met with Minister Tua to discuss her unsuccessful efforts to locate the Ghost Crew. Under Tua's direction the Imperial planetary authorities had increased security and imposed a planetary curfew. However, Tua's doubted that such added security measures would succeed since she correctly believed that the rebels had already left the planet. Frustrated, Kallus countered that Tarkin wanted results due to the destruction of his Star Destroyer. At that point, Vader interrupted their conversation and suggested that the Imperials lure the rebels back to Lothal and trap them there.

When Tua expressed reservations about "punishing" the population, Vader responded that she could raise her concerns with Tarkin himself; adding that the Grand Moff had scheduled a meeting with her the following day. When Tua expressed fear that she would meet the same fate as Aresko and Grint, an unsympathetic Kallus commented that he would "take care of her affairs." Fearing for her life and upset by the Empire's increasingly heavy-handed measures, Tua secretly contacted the rebels and made arrangements to defect to the Rebellion. However, Kallus suspected Tua's treason and sent a probe droid to tail her movements.

The Siege of Lothal 17

Kallus has the Rebels caught on camera.

The following day, Kallus drove Minister Tua in a landspeeder to a disembarkation station where an Imperial shuttle was waiting to take her to Tarkin. Kallus was escorted by several Stormtroopers to deter any rebel attack. However, the rebels sprung into action and attempted to rescued Minister Tua. During the ensuing skirmish, Kallus fought against the Kanan, who had disguised himself as a Stormtrooper Commander. Tua ran to the shuttle but was killed in explosion that had been deliberately planted by the Empire to discredit the rebels. Knowing that his probe droid was observing the fray, Kallus feigned anger and accused the rebels of murdering Minister Tua. Despite his efforts, the rebels managed to escape prompting Vader to order Kallus to lay siege to Lothal.

After the rebels stole a second Imperial shuttle and escaped Capital City, Kallus met Vader again and informed him that the rebels had not yet left Lothal. In order to draw the rebels out, Vader ordered Kallus to destroy Tarkintown, a refugee settlement that the rebels provided assistance to the past. Kallus complied with Vader's orders and sent troops to raze the settlement and to round up its inhabitants, who were imprisoned. Later, the rebels managed to escape Lothal with the assistance of the "galactic entrepreneur" Lando Calrissian. However, Vader had allowed the rebels to escape in order to locate the Phoenix Squadron, which operated a Rebel Fleet in deep space. Despite Vader's best efforts, the rebels managed to escape again. On board the Relentless, Kallus later congratulated Vader for his victory, before being ordered to clear the bridge.

Growing Rebellion[]

The Seelos Debacle[]

After the rebels escaped from Vader, Kallus received a promotion to Commander and was tasked with helping Admiral Kassius Konstantine to locate the rebels. While aboard the bridge of the Relentless, an officer alerted him that Clone trooper Commander Wolffe had reported an encounter with Jedi on the desert planet of Seelos. While Admiral Konstantine expressed skepticism given the clone's history of making delusional distress calls, Kallus insisted that all leads should be pursued and sent a probe droid to investigate.

Wolffe's intelligence proved to be accurate and the probe droid managed to locate Kanan and his rebel cell, who were perennial foes of Kallus. Upon arriving above Seelos, Commander Kallus and Admiral Konstantine issued an ultimatum to Wolffe, demanding that he and his fellow clones surrender the rebels or face "total and immediate destruction." Instead, Wolffe's associate, Captain Rex, challenged the agent and mocked the Stormtroopers he commanded. Undaunted, Kallus first dispatched a squadron of TIE fighters to the planet. After the rebels destroyed his TIE fighters, Commander Kallus personally led three AT-AT Walkers against the clones' lone AT-TE walker.

Despite entering a sandstorm, Kallus ordered the assault to procceed. Unable to see or detect them, the Imperials were caught off-guard by and one walker was destroyed by a well-placed shot to the neck from Ezra. Kallus then ordered the remaining walkers to fire where the shot came from, chasing the ancient walker out of the sandstorm just as the rebel ship lifted off. Unaware that Admiral Konstantine had left the Seelos system to rendezvous with an Inquisitor and was no longer able to provide air support, Kallus ordered his two remaining AT-AT walkers to continue the assault against the "obsolete" Clone troopers.

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Kallus fleeing on a speeder.

However, the clones refused to give up and their old walker, despite taking numerous hits, still had one good fight left in it. To the agent's disbelief, the clones brought their walker right up against Kallus' walker and rammed its legs to overbalance it, with Kallus yelling "They've lost their minds!" at this suicidal move. Rex then jumped onto the main cannon and openly challenged the walker's crew, deriding them as cowards. Thinking the clone suicidal, Kallus ordered his gunners to "finish him". Before they could do so, the Kallus' AT-AT walker was attacked by the Phantom and the second AT-AT walker, which had been hijacked by the rebels. Completing the rout, Rex fired a shot from the AT-TE's mass driver cannon right into the neck of Kallus's own walker, crippling it. Kallus and his bridge crew managed to escape the ruined walker on a speeder, though one was left frantically running after it.

Tracking the Rebels[]

Following the arrival of the Fifth Brother aboard the Relentless, a member of the crew detected a power surge aboard an abandoned Republic medical station. This time both Kallus and Konstantine expressed skepticism of this being anything of note, but the Fifth Brother disagreed and investigated the situation personally.

Kallus later oversaw a blockade surrounding the planet Ibaar, rightfully suspecting the rebels would attempt to aid the overworked population. His fleet successfully repelled an attack by Phoenix Squadron, destroying the rebel transport and even killing Phoenix Leader in the process. The rebels later retaliated with a prototype B-Wing Starfighter which broke the blockade and allowed their supplies to make it onto the surface. The sheer power of the single fighter left Kallus shocked beyond belief.

Kallus later received a transmission from Admiral Brom Titus, who boasted that he had captured the rebels Jun Sato and Ezra Bridger. Kallus promised to rendezvous with Titus' prototype Imperial Interdictor and advised him to keep Ezra under triple guard, but Titus dismissed his warnings. When Kallus arrived, he found only the blasted remains of the Interdictor and its fleet and a humiliated Admiral Titus floating in an escape pod. Kallus was left torn between annoyance at the weapon's destruction and smugness at the admiral's failure to heed his warning.

After the Inquisitor known as the Seventh Sister discovered a rebel presence on the planet Garel, Agent Kallus ordered Admiral Konstantine to deploy the Imperial fleet from Lothal to Garel. He convinced the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother to join forces to capture the Phoenix rebel cell, which included the Spectres, his perennial foes. Kallus also led the ground assault and attempted to apprehend the Spectres. However, Ezra used the Force to hurl Kallus against a wall, knocking him out. After the Spectres escaped, Kallus contacted Admiral Konstantine for information on the position of the rebel fleet. Konstantine reported that he did not know since the rebels had already escaped into hyperspace.

Agent Kallus and Admiral Konstantine later commanded an Imperial Light Cruiser which attempted to capture the Ghost above the planet Nixus. Earlier, the crew of the Ghost had rescued two Lasat refugees named Gron and Chava, who were looking for the legendary Lasat homeworld of Lirasan. Despite their best efforts, the Ghost managed to jump into hyperspace before the Imperials could trap it. However, the Imperials had managed to capture the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who had first alerted the crew of the Ghost to the Lasat refugees. Hondo was forced to work for the Imperials and managed to locate the Ghost due to a tracker planted in his communications device.

Kallus' Imperial Light Cruiser tracked the Ghost to an imploded star cluster in Wild Space. Upon exiting hyperspace, Kallus gave the rebels one minute to surrender before he destroyed their starship. Realizing that Kallus was the prophesied "warrior" from Lasat legend, Zeb used his bo-rifle to guide the Ghost through the unstable star cluster. When the rebels refused to heed his ultimatum, Kallus sent two TIE Fighters after the Ghost but they were ripped apart by the gravitational forces of the star cluster. Kallus' light cruiser then opened fire on the Ghost but each shot missed. Kallus was forced to withdraw his cruiser after it began sustaining damage from the gravity field. While Kallus hoped that the Ghost would be destroyed, he was disappointed when the rebel freighter managed to enter the star cluster safely.

An Unlikely Friendship[]

Kallus' next move was to set a trap for the Ghost Crew at an Imperial Construction Module over Geonosis. Despite his success in luring the rebels into the trap, his men failed to capture them and the rebels managed to escape into space. During the skirmish, Kallus engaged Zeb in single combat. When Zeb attempted to flee in an escape pod, Kallus pursued him into the pod and attempted to subdue him. The escape attempt resulted in Kallus breaking his leg and the pod crashing onto the frozen Geonosian moon of Bahryn.

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Kallus and Zeb working together.

Zeb spared Kallus, not wishing to defeat his rival in an unfair fight. After their heat source failed, Zeb located a small meteorite still glowing and emanating heat which he gave to Kallus. The two enemies were then forced to cooperate to avoid freezing to death and being killed by the Bonzami, ferocious predators that inhabited the moon. When the creatures attacked and Kallus regained his weapon, he passed up the chance to kill Zeb and helped him fend off the predators. After saving one another, the two adversaries opened up to one another and formed an unlikely bond. When the Bonzami attacked them again, they managed to escape the underground cavern to the surface following a struggle. Here Kallus had the opportunity to shoot Zeb but opted to save him from the Bonzami instead.

The following morning, the Ghost Crew returned for Zeb, after picking up his transponder. Zeb invited Kallus to come along claiming he would be treated fairly. However, Kallus declined and opted to wait for the Imperials. After the rebels had departed, Kallus was picked up by a passing independent trader, as the Empire had exhausted its allocated time and resources for finding him. After finally returning to the Imperial fleet, Kallus crossed paths with Konstantine who barely acknowledged him much to Kallus' dismay after witnessing the camaraderie Zeb had shown him. After limping back to his quarters, he placed the meteorite Zeb had given him on a shelf before reflecting on his sobering experience with his enemy, now privately doubting the Empire.

Following his encounter with Zeb, Kallus's doubts began to grow. They eventually pushed him to defect to the Rebellion. He worked as a spy under the pseudonym Fulcrum supplying secret information to the Rebellion through broadcasted messages.

Mole for the Rebellion[]

Under Governor Pryce[]

As a mole for the rebels, Kallus was acting as he was still hunting the rebels, along with Governor Arihnda Pryce, Konstantine, and Tarkin. Pryce then revealed that Grand Admiral Thrawn would be leading their efforts against the rebels. After hearing that Thrawn was recently promoted for his efforts in the Battle of Batonn, Kallus commented that the civilian casualties were higher than the insurgent casualties. In response to this, Governor Pryce told him that there were no longer rebels in the Batonn Sector. He was later present as the Imperials arrived to intercept the rebel raid on the Yarma System, only to have Thrawn order them to allow the Rebels to escape.

Later on, Kallus informed the rebels that there were cadets at the Skystrike Academy who wanted to defect to the Rebellion. He then accompanied Pryce to the Skystrike Academy. Pryce had arrived after hearing rumors of several cadets attempting to defect and had Captain Vult Skerris perform a combat simulator in space to lure out the defectors. Her plan worked, and the Imperials killed one of the defectors and captured the other three. In an interrogation room, Kallus noticed Sabine and when she revealed her identity to save the other two cadets, Pryce had Kallus take the other two cadets, Wedge Antilles and Derek Klivian, to another cell. Sabine commented to Kallus "looks like they have found someone who can do your job." before Kallus took the two cadets into their cell.

The Antilles Extraction 7

Kallus helping Sabine and the defecting cadets to escape

When Sabine broke free from Pryce's grasp and fled with Wedge and Hobbie, the Imperials trapped them with blast doors. Kallus suddenly appeared and opened one of the doors and advised them how to escape. He then told Sabine to send his regards to Zeb, and that they "were even now". Kallus then closed the blast door after the three left and hid himself until the alarm was off.

Later, Kallus accompanied Pryce aboard the bridge of a Star Destroyer. Kallus complimented the Governor for her plan to lure the Ghost Crew into a trap at a fuel depot. However, Pryce responded that her plan would only succeed if she captured the rebels. Kallus was present when Pryce dispatched Imperial forces to investigate a distress signal originating from Agamar.

Kallus later informed the rebels that the Empire was preparing to arrest rebel sympathizers on Mykapo. Thanks to Kallus, the rebels were able to evacuate the sympathizers before the Empire arrested them.


After learning that the Empire was developing a new weapon at the Capital City Imperial Armory Complex on Lothal, Kallus contacted the rebels, who were planning to attack the factory. Due to the high rate of malfunctioning vehicles produced by the Lothal Imperial factory, the Imperial High Command dispatched Thrawn to restore order and to investigate the factory for saboteurs. Indeed, a rebel cell led by former Governor Ryder Azadi had been sabotaging the vehicles.

With Pryce and Lieutenant Yogar Lyste, Kallus summoned the factory workers for an assembly. Thrawn then gave a speech berating the workers for their shoddy craftsmanship. He then forced the former farmer Morad Sumar, a member of Azadi's cell, to demonstrate a 614-AvA Speeder Bike. Due to a faulty engine, the bike exploded during the test demonstration, killing Sumar. Kallus was horrified by Thrawn's action but Pryce smirked. Thrawn then ordered to lock down the factory and to question the workers. However, the rebel infiltrators Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper managed to escape the screening and headed to Section A2.

While Thrawn and Pryce discussed the secrets hidden inside the factory's Section A2, Kallus asked for more information on the project so that he could question the workers more effectively. Pryce responded that all that Kallus needed to know was that Thrawn had a new fighter initiative. When Kallus expressed skepticism about the prospects of one fighter changing the war, Thrawn replied that victory and defeat were determined by the smallest details. Kallus was present when Thrawn ordered another worker to demonstrate an AT-DP walker. At Thrawn's command, Kallus released the walker from its station. When the walker collapsed, Thrawn gestured for his men to arrest the worker.

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Kallus and Lyste in Thrawn's office.

Later, Kallus and Lyste visited Thrawn's Office, which contained several objects relating to the Ghost Crew. When Thrawn asked the two officers about one of Sabine's graffiti art pieces, Lyste remarked that it was merely a section of a retaining wall. By contrast, the more perceptive Kallus recognized the drawing as a starbird, a creature of light that had been adopted as a symbol of the Phoenix Squadron. Kallus interpreted the starbird as a symbol of the rebel's commitment to victory. Thrawn agreed and theorized that the rebels had a special connection to Lothal.

The Insider[]

When Thrawn asks if they had found any more subversives, Lyste informed that two workers had disappeared following Thrawn's speech but that they had left behind their uniforms. Kallus suggested issuing an alert but Thrawn advised against it since he believed that the rebels were already inside the factory and had found new disguises. When Kallus asked Thrawn whether he thought that the rebels were more than saboteurs, Thrawn responded that the rebels were after the contents of Section A2 and sent Kallus and Lyste to secure it.

An Inside Man 16

Kallus helps Kanan and Ezra to escape the Imperial Factory

Spotting Ezra and Kanan in their Stormtrooper disguises with their droid, Kallus ushered them into a turbolift under the pretext of ordering them to secure a perimeter. Inside the lift, Kallus introduced himself to the rebels, who fought him, thinking he caught them. However, Kallus managed to convince them that he was a friend by identifying himself as Fulcrum and quoting the phrase code "by the light of Lothal's moons." Kallus also reminded the two that he had befriend Zeb on Bahryn and helped Sabine to escape from the Skystrike Academy. While Chopper believed Kallus, Ezra and Kanan were slower to trust their former adversary.

Nevertheless, Kanan convinced Kallus to help them send a signal to his local contact Ryder. Kallus led the rebels into a communications station and pretended to fight them. The rebels managed to use their blasters and lightsabers to stun the Stormtroopers and officer at the station. Kallus then allowed Chopper to upload Kanan's comlink from the station's port. After the rebels had contacted Ryder, Kallus told them to head to the east gate where they would find an AT-DP walker in the hangar. To make it appear that Kallus had put up a fight, Ezra hurled him against the glass monitor.

Due to Kallus' help, Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper managed to escape the factory on the AT-DP walker and link up with Ryder's cell. They also managed to send the stolen plans to the Phoenix Squadron, which discovered that Thrawn was developing a new TIE Fighter. Ezra and Kanan credited Kallus with helping them escape the factory. While Hera and Sabine believed that Kallus could not be trusted yet, Zeb vouched for his former adversary and remarked that he must have accidentally recruited him.

Later, Thrawn questioned Kallus about his encounter with the rebels. Having analysed the rebels' escape pattern, Thrawn suspected that the rebels had inside help from a mole. Instead of questioning Imperial personnel, Thrawn decided to set a trap for the mole. Feigning loyalty to the Empire, Kallus commended Thrawn for his "flawless" strategy.


Kallus was later privy to Thrawn's plan to dispatch Imperial Infiltrator Droids across the Outer Rim to search for rebel bases. While stationed aboard a Star Destroyer, Kallus was informed by another officer that they had lost contact with one of EXD-9. Unable to track down the droid's location, the officer suggested alerting Imperial High Command. However, Kallus advised him not to under the pretext that chasing down every comm failure would be a waste of time. Instead, he advised the officer to wait until the next cycle.

Using his Fulcrum pseudonym, Kallus sent a recorded transmission to Chopper Base warning the rebels that the Empire was dispatching Infiltrator Droids across the galaxy. He also added that the Empire had lost contact with one and would come searching for it soon. Fulcrum's warning alerted Zeb, who realized that the "stray" Protocol Droid he found was an Infiltrator Droid. Working with Chopper and AP-5, Zeb overpowered the Infiltrator Droid. The three rebels then reprogrammed EXD-9 into an improvised bomb which they used to destroy a Star Destroyer.

Warhead 12

Kallus witnesses EXD-9's explosion destroying a Star Destroyer

Kallus was on the bridge when he witnessed another Destroyer go up in flames. Feigning shock and anger, he asked what happened. An officer informed him that one of their Infiltrator Droid's proton warheads had gone off prematurely. Kallus secretly smiled and later sent a transmission to Chopper Base praising the rebels for their ingenious plan to neutralize the Infiltrator Droid. Later, he visited Thrawn aboard his Star Destroyer, Chimaera and reported that the rebels had reprogrammed an Infiltrator Droid into an improvised bomb. Both men regarded the rebel plan as ingenious. When Kallus noticed that Thrawn was in good spirits despite the setback, the Grand Admiral replied that he had narrowed down his search to 94 planets.

Spy Games[]

Kallus' Fulcrum transmissions eventually attracted the scrutiny of Thrawn, who launched an investigation of the Imperial sector command officers in the Lothal Sector. The Rebellion learned that Thrawn was close to discovering Kallus' work as a double agent and decided to rescue Kallus. As part of the plan, Ezra, Chopper and AP-5 stole a Star Commuter Shuttle from Lothal's Capital City Spaceport. They then allowed themselves to be captured by Kallus' Light Cruiser, which was captained by Lyste.

Kallus was awaken from his sleep when Lyste brought the ship into battle-station mode to intercept the stolen shuttle. Upon entering the light cruiser's bridge, Kallus was briefed by Lyste about the shuttle heist. After Lyste's light cruiser trapped the stolen shuttle with its tractor beam projector, Kallus headed to the landing bay to interrogate the shuttle thief, who turned out to be Ezra. Ezra was disguised as a Bounty Hunter and accompanied by Chopper and AP-5, who claimed to be unwilling passengers aboard the stolen shuttle.

Kallus met with Ezra in the light cruiser's brig and learned about Thrawn's investigation and the rebel extraction mission. Before they could make their next move, Lyste entered the brig to inform Kallus that Thrawn had summoned both of them for a meeting aboard the Chimaera. To protect Ezra, Kallus claimed that the prisoner was a Bounty Hunter from Lothal. Seeking to curry favor with Thrawn and redeem his image after the incident with Princess Leia Organa, Lyste arranged for Ezra to be brought aboard Thrawn's ship. Kallus and Lyste then traveled to the Chimaera aboard the Sentinel-class Shuttle TYA77.

Through Imperial Eyes 12

Kallus, Lieutenant Lyste, and Colonel Yularen

Once aboard the Chimaera, Kallus and Lyste headed to Thrawn's Office. Meanwhile, the droids searched for a port to download a new set of clearance codes for the rescue team members Kanan and Rex. Ezra was thrown into the Chimaera's detention block. At Thrawn's Office, Kallus and Lyste were met by Thrawn, Konstantine, and Kallus' former ISB instructor Wullf Yularen. During the meeting, Kallus learned more about Thrawn's investigation into Fulcrum and hunt for Phoenix Squadron's base on Atollon. Following the meeting, Kallus spent time with his former instructor and took the opportunity to sow disinformation.

Knowing that Thrawn was close to uncovering his identity, Kallus decided to implicate Lyste as Fulcrum. He tricked Lyste into believing that Pryce was Fulcrum and told him to spy on her. Kallus also stole Lyste's Code Cylinder. After finding AP-5 and Chopper, Kallus freed Ezra from his cell and told him about Thrawn's search for the rebel base. Kallus tried to convince Ezra to give him the location of the rebel base so that he could delete it from Thrawn's database. Not fully trusting Kallus, Ezra insisted that Kallus wait until they had extracted him from the Chimaera. AP-5 then managed to convince Ezra to support Kallus' plan by pointing out that he could get a new set of clearance code's from Thrawn's office.

After tricking Lyste into tailing Pryce, Kallus obtained a set of Imperial uniforms for Ezra. The two then infiltrated Thrawn's office with Ezra using a Jedi Mind Trick to convince the Stormtrooper sentry that he was Lyste. Once inside, Kallus instructed Chopper to delete Atollon and to add another planet. Before they could leave, Thrawn returned to his office. Kallus and his rebel allies managed to hide in the dark corners of the officer. To distract Thrawn, Kallus then reprogrammed the Grand Admiral's Imperial Sentry Droids to attack Thrawn; thus implicating Lyste.

Kallus and his rebel companions then headed back to the Chimaera's hangar bay to rendezvous with Kanan and Rex's shuttle. However, Thrawn had learned about the rebel infiltrators and had sent Pryce and Yularen to deal with the second set of intruders. Believing that Pryce was Fulcrum, Lyste stunned her. Kallus then tackled Lyste and knocked him to the ground. At that point, Kallus changed his mind and told his rebel friends he would stay behind in order to continue supplying them with intelligence. When Yularen finally arrived with Stormtroopers, Kallus publicly accused Lyste of being Fulcrum.

Lyste tried to protest his innocence but Kallus remained impassive. Later, Kallus attended a meeting with Pryce, Yularen, Konstantine, and Thrawn. Yularen claimed that Lyste's Code Cylinder implicated him as Fulcrum. Pryce bought Kallus' explanation while the ISB agent apologized to Thrawn for failing to stop Lyste's purported assassination attempt. Thrawn publicly praised Kallus for his services and dismissed him, Pryce, and Konstantine. In private however, Thrawn informed Yularen that Kallus was the real Fulcrum. Instead of arresting him, Thrawn decided to use Kallus to lead them to the rebel base.

Joining the Rebellion[]


Sometime after Lyste was apprehended, Kallus used a reprogrammed Mouse Droid to spy on a conversation between Thrawn, Tarkin, Pryce, and Konstantine. While eavesdropping on their conversation, Kallus learned that Thrawn was aware that the Phoenix Squadron and General Jan Dodonna's Massassi Group were planning an attack on the TIE Defender factories on Lothal. Kallus returned to Ezra's Tower and attempted to warn the rebels that Thrawn was aware of their plans. However, his transmitter's signal was being jammed by Thrawn and Kallus was only able to transmit a fragment of his message.

Zero Hour 31

Kallus fighting Thrawn following his exposure as "Fulcrum"

Kallus was startled by the phrase "by the light of Lothal's moons" and found Thrawn standing behind him, who knew that he was the mole all along. Kallus attempted to fight Thrawn but was outmatched and captured by Thrawn's Death Troopers. Thrawn used the trajectories of Dodonna's fleet and Kallus' Fulcrum signals to identify the location of Chopper Base on the planet Atollon. When Kallus insisted there was no planet at that location, Thrawn derided Kallus for his purported lack of appreciation for art. He explained that though the Atollon System is missing from Imperial charts, it is represented in the art of the ancient people of the sector.

Kallus was later brought onto the bridge of the Chimaera and forced to watch the battle in captivity, in the presence of Thrawn and Pryce. After Thrawn ordered Konstantine to keep his Interdictor Cruiser in formation with the fleet, Kallus mocked Thrawn for vying for personal glory. However, the Grand Admiral responded that he was only interested in yielding results for his Emperor. Kallus and his captors later watched as Sato's command ship Phoenix Nest collide with Konstantine's Interdictor Cruiser, destroying both ships. Earlier, Konstantine had disregarded Thrawn's orders to remain in the center of the formation and had tried to gain personal glory by intercepting Sato's ship.

Before Thrawn debarked for ground assault, Kallus mockingly warned him that he had been in Thrawn's position before and been defeated by the rebels. However, the Grand Admiral responded that he was different. Thrawn's forces succeeded in storming Chopper Base but the Grand Admiral was denied full victory when a mysterious Force entity called The Bendu attacked and devastated the base; giving the rebels a window to escape. Kallus remained aboard the bridge of the Chimaera when Ezra and Sabine's Clan Wren reinforcements launched a rear attack on the Seventh Fleet's last remaining Interdictor Cruiser.

After the rebels managed to destroy the last remaining Interdictor Cruiser, Kallus smirked and told Pryce that she had "made a mess of Thrawn's fleet". Enraged, Pryce ordered two Stormtroopers to throw him out of the ship through an airlock. Owing to his ISB combat training, Kallus easily overpowered his captors and made his way to an escape pod and ejected from the Star Destroyer. After contacting Hera he was picked up by the Ghost. Once aboard, Kallus thanked Kanan for taking him in and was in turn thanked by Kanan for risking everything for the Rebellion.

Rebel Comrade[]

A reunion! How nice, but as Commander Bridger suggests, it's time to get to work.
―Kallus, to the reuniting Spectures[src]

Some time later, as a Captain of the Rebel Alliance, Kallus served in the Alliance's Massassi Group, and coordinated with the Ghost Crew. After Hera's squadron of Y-Wings returned to Yavin 4 after a mission, Kallus interrupted the Ghost Crews' reunion to inform them that the rebel leader Mon Mothma had requested an audience with them. During the meeting, the rebels discussed information about the Empire's new relay station on Jalindi which had been provided by Saw. Kallus expressed disapproval of Saw's methods of gaining information but convinced the Alliance leadership to authorize a mission to plan a spike on the Jalindi relay.

Later, Kallus and Rex manned the Ghost while the Ghost Crew undertook a mission to Lothal to steal a TIE Defender. The rebels' plan was to rendezvous with the smuggler Cikatro Vizago's ship Broken Horn in order to infiltrate Lothal. Kallus warned that Vizago could not be trusted but Ezra disagreed. Before the crew left, Hera placed Rex in command of the Ghost. Kallus initially thought that Hera was referring to him and pointed out that he had commanded Star Destroyers in the past. Rex corrected him and the former Imperial vacated the pilot's seat for Rex.

Mustering allies[]

A Fool's Hope 01

Kallus at Joopa Base

Following the Spectres' mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple, Kallus accompanied Hera and Rex aboard the Ghost to the planet Seelos; which was the home of Rex's fellow Clone veterans Gregor and Wolffe aboard Joopa Base. At Gregor and Wolffe's modified AT-AT walker "Joopa Base", the rebels also met the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, his Ugnaught companion Melch, and the Mandalorian bounty hunter Ketsu Onyo; former friends of Ezra. After briefing them, these allies agreed to help Ezra liberate his homeworld of Lothal.

While traveling back to Lothal, the rebels and their allies waited aboard the Ghost in hyperspace to latch on to an Imperial container transport at the suggestion of Hondo. Though Kallus and Rex were skeptical, Hondo's plan worked and the rebels were able to infiltrate Lothal by latching onto a container transport. Upon landing, Kallus along with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe helped Ezra and Ryder's forces to defeat Governor Pryce's forces at the Lothal cliff dwelling. The rebels also succeeded in capturing Pryce, who was essential to Ezra's liberation plan.

Liberating Lothal[]

Prior to the assault on the Dome, the center of Imperial power on Lothal, Kallus and Ryder led out the captive Pryce. When Pryce denounced Kallus as a traitor, he countered that the day that he betrayed the Empire was the day he stopped betraying himself. With the help of the White Loth-wolf, Ezra managed to force an unwilling Pryce to help them gain entry to the Dome.


Kallus & fellow rebels inside Imperial dome command center.

The rebels then traveled in two patrol transports to the Dome. For the mission, Kallus posed as an Imperial Navy Trooper and kept an eye on Pryce, who complied with all of the rebels' instructions, and would know if Pryce gave them the wrong codes. Due to Pryce's cooperation, the rebels managed to fight their way into the Dome and capture the command center. Working with Ezra and Ryder, Kallus helped to issue a faux Protocol 13 to recall the entire Imperial garrison on Lothal to the Dome.

Though their plan worked, they were unable to launch the Dome into space due to the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn aboard the Chimaera. Thrawn had his assassin Rukh disable the power terminals powering the Dome's deflector shield generator, allowing him to bombard Capital City. After Ezra left to confront Thrawn, Kallus took part in a two-pronged attack to reactive the generators. He, Zeb, and Gregor were part of Team B, which was tasked with reactivating the southern power terminal.

Despite strong resistance, Kallus and his team managed to make it to the southern power terminal. There, they were attacked by Rukh and several Death troopers. While Zeb fought with Rukh, Kallus and Gregor took on the Death troopers. During the struggle, Gregor was shot in the chest and mortally wounded. Kallus attended to the fallen Clone trooper, who told him to get the shields back up. At Zeb's instruction, Kallus activated the power terminal, with the resulting surge killing the trapped Rukh.

After this Ezra had the young rebel Mart Mattin summon a pod of Purrgil. The Purrgil destroyed the Imperial blockade and attached to the Chimaera, which caused the ship, Thrawn, its crew, and Ezra to disappear into hyperspace. With the elimination of Thrawn, the rebels competed their task of launching and destroying the Imperial dome. Kallus escaped with his fellow rebels aboard the Ghost before the "Dome" exploded.

As the Ghost flew over the cheering crowds, Kallus observed that the people of Lothal were now fully with the rebellion. General Syndulla responded that if the Empire wanted a fight, the rebels would be ready. Despite the rebels' fears, the Empire never returned to Lothal.


After the war, Zeb took Kallus along the secret hyperspace path to the planet Lira San. It was then that Kallus realized he hadn't destroyed the Lasat people, and that they were thriving on this new world. A world where he was welcomed as one of them.
―Sabine Wren on Alexsandr Kallus's fate[src]

After the Galactic Civil War, Zeb brought Kallus to the planet Lira San, revealing to the former ISB agent that the Lasat species had not only survived the Empire's wrath, but were thriving. The Lasat people, having forgiven Kallus, welcomed him as one of their own.

Personality and Traits[]

As an Agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, Alexsandr Kallus was a firm believer in the Imperial cause and held a fierce loyalty towards the Emperor. Kallus hated disorder and rebellious activity, and made it his life's work to ensure stability within the Empire. He had a sense of superiority over others, which inflated his disdain of lawlessness in the Outer Rim Territories. Through his position as an ISB Agent, Kallus hoped to achieve greater prominence within the Empire. Any time he could defeat rebel insurgents, he would consider it a prize that he achieved for the Empire, a prize that could help him move onto something bigger. Even so, he had passed up several offers at promotion in order to remain on the front lines with the Imperial Security Bureau.

Kallus, a skilled fighter, did not command soldiers from afar, but rather fought alongside them on the front lines, including against the Ghost Crew. Kallus appeared to have taken pride in his role in the destruction of the Lasat species, and he showed an eagerness to fight Zeb on Lothal in bo-rifle combat, though this would later prove to be untrue. Kallus saw his actions as necessary in order to do his job and ensure stability and efficiency within the Empire. Additionally, Kallus demonstrated his ruthlessness once by kicking one of his men into a chasm to his death for asking an innocent question. When he conspired with Vader to lure Maketh Tua to her death, he exhibited a twisted zeal in carrying out her execution.

Deep under his tough persona, however, Kallus was not as cold and cruel as he appeared. He was genuinely disturbed by the sudden and brutal execution of Cumberlayne Aresko and Myles Grint on the orders of Grand Moff Tarkin, whom he had seen as loyal fellow imperials. Despite being a hardened soldier who rarely showed any weakness, he revealed a more vulnerable side when he was forced to cooperate with Zeb to survive; revealing his tough persona to be little more than a mask to hide how sad, confused, and lost he felt at heart, haunted by his past. His conversations with Zeb revealed that he held a somewhat rose-tinted view of the Empire, firmly believing that Zeb would receive a fair trial if he were to turn himself in and cooperate. Kallus was also able to repay his debt to Zeb by letting Sabine, Wedge and, Derek escape.

Kallus also seemingly chose to remain ignorant of at least some of the Empire's atrocities, stating that he "never asked questions" regarding the missing population of Geonosis and arguing against the notion that the Empire was responsible. He revealed that he kept his bo-rifle not as a trophy but out of respect for the Lasat he had defeated, who presented him his weapon as a gift for defeating him in line with the Lasat tradition. He gained a respect for Zeb and apologized for his role in the Imperial pacification of Lasan, claiming he hadn't intended it to be a massacre. In light of the unique bond he formed with his enemy, he was saddened by the cold and indifferent reception he received from his own comrades upon his return. His loyalty was tested further when one of Grand Admiral Thrawn's campaigns caused a high number of civilian casualties, for which he admonished the Grand Admiral.

Kallus' growing disillusionment with the Empire and friendship with Zeb later led him to secretly aid Sabine in her operation to extract defecting Imperial cadets Wedge and Hobbie from Skystrike Academy. He gave Sabine and the cadets instructions on which levels to avoid and told Sabine that he and Zeb were now even. Kallus' advice proved sincere and Sabine and the cadets were able to escape. Like Tua, Kallus's growing disillusionment with brutish ways of the Empire led him to begin aiding the rebels. Kallus' sympathy for the rebellion led him to leak information about Thrawn's secret TIE Defender program to the rebels. He also helped Ezra and Kanan escape from the Lothal Imperial Factory. Kallus was also visibly horrified by Thrawn's ruthless efforts to root out saboteurs at the factory particularly the simulation "accident" that claimed the life of Sumar.

Kallus' pro-rebel sympathy led him to leak information about Thrawn's Infiltrator Droids to the Rebellion. This information enabled Zeb, Chopper, and AP-5 to neutralize the threat. Kallus was impressed to learn that the rebels reprogrammed the Infiltrator Droid into an improvised bomb which destroyed a Star Destroyer.

Kallus's dealings with the Rebellion led him to trust Ezra, Chopper, and AP-5 when they came to rescue him from Thrawn's crackdown. Kallus also manipulated Lyste's trust to trick him into spying on Pryce and frame him as Fulcrum. Kallus' new-found sympathy for the Rebellion made him willing to harm his fellow Imperial comrades in order to advance the rebels' interests and to protect his identity as Fulcrum. Kallus also had a respectful relationship with his former ISB instructor Colonel Wullf Yularen. Kallus took advantage of Yularen's respect for him to mislead the Colonel into believing that Lyste was Fulcrum. However, Thrawn deduced that Kallus was the real Fulcrum after learning that Kallus had withheld information about the identity of Ezra.

Kallus' new-found loyalty to the rebels led him to attempt to warn them that Thrawn had learned about their planned attack on Lothal. After Kallus put up a fierce but futile fight against Thrawn, the Grand Admiral remarked that he had the heart of a rebel. Kallus took that as a compliment. Kallus took the opportunity to taunt his former Imperial comrades during the Battle of Atollon. He manipulated the volatile Pryce into ordering her Stormtroopers to throw him out the airlock. However, Kallus was then able to overpower his guards and escape in an escape pod to join the rebels. When Kallus expressed gratitude to his former rebel foes for taking him in, Kanan praised him for risking everything to help the Rebellion.

As a rebel, Kallus shared Mon Mothma's revulsion towards the Partisan leader Saw Gerrara's brutal methods. Kallus also believed that Vizago was untrustworthy and cautioned his rebel comrades against trusting him.

Skills and Abilities[]

Alexsandr Kallus was trained in both riot control and heavy combat, and he wore an ISB helmet designed for such situations. He underwent extensive training to become proficient in fighting and was a dangerous foe in hand-to-hand combat. During the fall of Lasan, Kallus bested a Lasat guardsman, who gave Kallus his a bo-rifle as an acknowledgement of his defeat. He was able to successfully modify this weapon for close-quarters fighting and was able to go toe-to-toe with Zeb during a fight on Lothal. While Kallus received training in unarmed combat from his time at the Imperial Academy, he was outmatched by Thrawn in combat. Later, Kallus used his close-quarters combat skills to overpower two Stormtroopers and escape the Chimaera aboard an escape pod.

As a high-ranking Imperial Officer, Kallus was familiar with Code Cylinders and how Imperial institutions. He used his inside knowledge of the Imperial Military to leak vital intelligence to the Rebellion and tried to mislead Thrawn.He was also highly skilled as with robotics and programming, as evidenced, for instance, by his reprogramming and redesign of an mouse droid for surveillance, and his reprogramming of Thrawn's own assassin droids


Agent Kallus' Bo-Rifle Aspects

Agent Kallus' Bo-Rifle.

As an ISB agent and later as a spy, Alexsandr Kallus wore a gray Imperial uniform with a pair of black boots, gauntlet gloves over his hands, and a fleximetal cuirass. His distinctive ISB combat helmet had blast-proof cheek pieces. His belt was fitted with an identity disk. The metallic rank insignia on the left breast of his armor comprised one row of four tiles, two blue, one silver, and one red. Later, his rank insignia changed, consisting of five tiles, three blue, and two yellow.

In battle, Kallus used a J-19 bo-rifle given from a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard that he had defeated, which he was proficient with in ranged and close combat. As a Fulcrum operative, Kallus knew how to operate a transmitter, which he kept in Ezra's Tower. All of his equipment was later lost when he was arrested by Thrawn. After joining the Rebel Alliance, Kallus wore an earth-colored Alliance uniform, displaying the rank of Captain.


The Star Wars Rebels Wiki has an article focusing on the relationships of Alexsandr Kallus.


The Star Wars Rebels Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Alexsandr Kallus.


Season One[]

Season Two[]

Season Three[]

Season Four[]

Video Games[]



  • He is voiced by David Oyelowo.
  • He is the secondary antagonist of Season 1, and the tertiary antagonist of Season 2.
  • Kallus, Thrawn, and Arihnda Pryce are the only main antagonists to span more than one season.
  • At the time of the series, Kallus was in his late-30s.
  • Kallus's animation model is slightly updated in Season 2, featuring a different insignia to denote a promotion.
  • Kallus was the only remaining antagonist from Season 1.
  • The Season 2 finale, "Twilight of the Apprentice", was the only season finale where Kallus did not appear in.
  • Kallus is one of, if not the only main antagonist(s) in the show to change sides; Maketh Tua had expressed a desire to defect earlier but was killed before reaching the Rebellion.
  • "Heroes of Mandalore" is the only premiere where Kallus does not appear in.
  • Kallus is the only imperial who is not a stormtrooper or TIE pilot to appear in every season.
vedStar Wars Rebels Characters
Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Sabine Wren | Garazeb Orrelios | Hera Syndulla | C1-10P | Jun Sato | Bail Organa | Ahsoka Tano | Rex | Quarrie | BG-81 | Leia Organa | R2-D2 | C-3PO | Tseebo | EG-86 | Ryder Azadi | Cham Syndulla | Gobi Glie | Numa | Rebel Crewman | Phoenix Leader | Phoenix One | Phoenix Two (1) | Phoenix Two (2) | Phoenix Two (3) | Phoenix Three | Phoenix Four | AP-5 | Dicer | Jan Dodonna | Wedge Antilles | Derek Klivian | Rake Gahree | Fenn Rau | Mart Mattin | Jonner Jin | Gooti Terez | R3-A3 | Morad Sumar | Marida Sumar | Jho | Alexsandr Kallus | Saw Gerrera | Ursa Wren | Tristan Wren | Mon Mothma | Erskin Semaj | Jon Vander | Tyson | Alrich Wren | Bo-Katan Kryze | R4-C2 | Edrio | Mich Matt | Jai Kell | Cikatro Vizago | Luke Skywalker
The Grand Inquisitor | Fifth Brother | Seventh Sister | Eighth Brother | Sixth Brother | Cumberlayne Aresko | Myles Grint | Maketh Tua | Gall Trayvis | Stormtrooper | TIE Pilot | RX-24 | 264 | Darth Vader | Sheev Palpatine | Wilhuff Tarkin | Imperial Officer | Imperial Combat Driver | Yogar Lyste | Brom Titus | Kassius Konstantine | Valen Rudor | Arihnda Pryce | Thrawn | Scout Trooper | Argin Relik | Vult Skerris | Imperial Super Commando | Gar Saxon | Slavin | Jumptrooper | Brunson | EXD-9 | LT-319 | 3-9 | PZ-7 | Death Trooper | Woldar | Tiber Saxon | Hark | DT-F16 | 3-6 | LS-757 | LS-261 | Orson Krennic | Rukh | LS-412 | LS-515 | Veris Hydan
ID9 Seeker Droid | IG-RM Thug Droid | Viper Probe Droid | IT-O Interrogator | GNK Power Droid | Spy Droid | 2-1B Surgical Droid | Mouse Droid | Tour Guide Droid | RX-Series droid | Astromech Droid | Courier Droid | Protocol Droid | B1 Battle Droid | Droideka | OOM Command Battle Droid | Tactical Droid | Pit Droid | Dismantler Droid | Super Tactical Droid | Imperial Sentry Droid | Imperial Infiltrator Droid
Bounty Hunters
Ketsu Onyo | Cad Bane | Embo
Azmorigan | Hondo Ohnaka | Maul | Terba | The Bendu | Melch | Kalani | B1-268 | Klik-Klak | Lando Calrissian | W1-LE | Father | Daughter | Son
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda | Depa Billaba | Mace Windu | Luminara Unduli | Kit Fisto | Aayla Secura | Plo Koon | Cin Drallig | Jocasta Nu | Sammo Quid | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Tarre Vizsla